Amid rising market volatility, it behooves investors to mind the growing list of leading indicators turning negative. Cameron Hurst, Chief Investment Officer, highlighted some remaining investable areas of global markets, e.g. real estate, but noted the critical requirement for a disciplined exit process in order to protect capital as the cycle comes to an end.
Read MoreA good investment process should flag buying opportunities just as well as it keeps you out of harm’s way. While Equium Capital’s first goal is to protect capital, equally as important is earning a reasonable return for clients. Joining BNN Bloomberg, Cameron Hurst, Chief Investment Officer, highlights how a process can flag improving odds of success, what indicators caused the firm to start buying in late December, and where markets are going from here.
Read MoreEquium Capital, on behalf of Equium Capital Real Estate (ECRE), is pleased to announce the closing of the ECRE Hinton Limited Partnership. The Partnership is a newly established limited partnership that has entered into a joint venture agreement with Smart Living Developments Inc. in connection with the development of a purpose-built rental apartment building in the City of Ottawa.
Read MoreThe rental renaissance is under way, according to Keith Reading, Director of Research at Morguard, who spoke about opportunities in Purpose-Built Rental on BNN Bloomberg. High land costs and rising interest rates present growing challenges for first time home buyers, who are instead turning to modern rentals. This confluence of soaring demand paired with a shortfall in supply is exactly why Equium Capital created a private equity fund investing in Purpose-Built Rental. Bringing the firm’s hallmark risk management and conservatism to a traditionally high-return asset class, Equium Capital’s private equity platform provides institutional real estate investments to clients and investment advisors across Canada.
Read MoreEvery bull comes to an end. Market tops don’t happen overnight or even in one month, but they all inevitably yield to a bear that feeds on the excesses of the prior cycle. With negative conditional factors piling up, debt issuance at historical peaks and increasing parallels to 1999/2000, Cameron Hurst, Chief Investment Officer, joins BNN Bloomberg to offer a reality check on where the markets stand and what’s likely to come next.
Read MoreWith interest rates rising, investors should take profits in REITs and ready their portfolios for late-stage trends. To balance typical end-of-cycle stock volatility, investors should look at look at investing in real estate through private equity funds. Cameron Hurst, Chief Investment Officer, explains on BNN Bloomberg how interest rates suggest it’s time to make the switch.
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